Daily Bruin Alumni Network


Since 1919, The Daily Bruin has informed the UCLA community and provided the first draft of history for our alma mater. In the daily trials and tribulations of putting out the newspaper, in print or online, the student-staffers make life-long friends and gain valuable skills that have produced stellar journalists, as well as leaders in law, business, government, entertainment, education, the arts, technology, and philanthropy.

The alumni of the Daily Bruin share a unique and deeply impactful collegiate experience, one that began on the first day of classes at UCLA and continues now in Kerckhoff Hall. The UCLA Daily Bruin Alumni Network actively engages the alumni of the Daily Bruin and serves as a robust and lasting community for all former staff members, in support of each other, our current student-staffers, and The Bruin. As an official affinity network of the UCLA Alumni Association, DBAN will provide networking, mentorship, scholarships, career development and community service opportunities.

To become a part of the Daily Bruin alumni family, please join Daily Bruin Alumni Network and learn more about our major initiatives for the current academic year.

We look forward to seeing you at our next gathering and working together to ensure a bright future for our beloved Bruin!

Lawrence Ma ’95
President, Daily Bruin Alumni Network

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