Volunteer with DBAN

Volunteer to serve on any of the following committees:

MEMBERSHIP & NETWORKING: There are over 2,000+ UCLA alumni with known ties to the Daily Bruin, but only a few hundred have officially joined the DBAN. Help us bring fellow alumni home and create a comprehensive alumni directory. Connect alumni with each other and foster an alumni culture through regional meet-up events in and outside of Los Angeles. With better understanding of our own alumni base, work with our Alumni Mentoring committee to connect students to alumni in various professions. Work with the student Outreach Director on newsletters, social media, our alumni directory and website.

THE DBAN ALUMNI REUNION & SCHOLARSHIP DINNER COMMITTEE: With the UCLA Alumni Association and the Daily Bruin staff, plan and host the annual DBAN reunion and scholarship dinner at UCLA each fall. Develop daytime panels and workshops for students and alumni. Develop press releases and promote the event. Recruit corporate partners and sponsors to subsidize and scale up the centennial event. Recruit and retain alumni speakers and presenters. Consider nominations for and select the DBAN Distinguished Alumni Award honoree.

DAILY BRUIN SCHOLARSHIP & ENDOWMENT: Every summer and early autumn, help raise $10,000 for the Daily Bruin Alumni Scholarship for students pursuing careers in journalism at The Bruin (five merit scholarships of $2000 each). Work on donor honor rolls, email campaign, alumni testimonials, donation match challenges, and social media campaign on all platforms with the Daily Bruin outreach and social media staff. Cultivate donors and generate leads for possible contributions. With our partners at the UCLA Development Office and Student Support Initiative Office, study and develop a long-term DBAN alumni scholarship endowment.

ALUMNI MENTORING PROGRAM: Each academic year, (a) provide periodic professional critiques of Daily Bruin productions, both print and online, (b) quarterly workshops for student-staffers, and (c) host career-prep sessions with students and young alumni. In the long range, working with the Membership & Networking team, connect student staffers with alumni for both background sourcing for reporting and career guidance / informational interviews.

To join a committee or inquire about any of the foregoing, please contact

Lawrence Ma ‘95 (LawrenceMa@alumni.ucla.edu)

Sara Randazzo ‘08 (scrandazzo@gmail.com).

Please visit alumni.dailybruin.com for more information.

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