Board of Directors

Thank you to our FGAN Planning Committee members whose vision and dedication helped establish and build this great network.

2021-2023 Board of Directors

President: Fred Tan ’03

Vice President: Ana Esquivel ’88

Secretary: Sonya Brooks ’19, PhD candidate

Treasurer: Ernesto Duran ’06

Communications Director: Nicole Betkhoodu ’21

Photo: Nelson Bonilla '72 & '74, Jeovanni Andrade '09, Amanda Uribe '14, Diego Sepulveda '12, Natalie Mejia '10, Jasmin Pivaral '09, Jacqueline Espinoza '14
The First Gen Alumni Network held a planning retreat on Sunday, May 20, 2018. The First Gen Alumni Network planning committee sets the vision and direction of the group.
"We believe first-gen college graduates deserve to be professionally supported and we want to be a social network that operates like a family.
Therefore, we will identify the diverse needs of alumni and build community along the year through communal support online and quarterly events, resulting in a network of leaders that cultivate opportunities in each of their regions."
To join the committee in advancing this vision, please contact
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